I know first hand that taking Nursing Boards can cause much anxiety for a new grad. So much is going on since graduation from Nursing School. You probably have started a new job & are on orientation. Learning more clinical skills now, than when you were in school. Your patient ratio will slowly increase. The number of meds that your patients require will double or even triple than when you where in school. You will also performing nursing procedures that you may have not done before like irrigating a G tube or flushing a central line. You now are working 8 to 12 hours a day if not more. Working shifts can really be stress on a person if they have never done it before. On top of all of this, you are preparing for the NCLEX. Talk about STRESS. What is a new grad to do? Well I have a solution.
STAT Nursing Consultants, is a Pittsburgh based consulting group & have been helping nursing students and graduates decrease their anxiety and enhance their thinking skills on tests. They help students who are at-risk of failing in nursing school and graduates who have failed the NCLEX. STAT Nursing Consultants use cognitive and behavioral techniques that can also be taught to improve any nursing student or graduate's test scores.
I have used STAT Nursing Consultants years ago after failing the NCLEX the first time I took it. STAT Nursing Consultants was well worth it. I felt relaxed & confident going in to take the exam. And yes, I passed my boards after my second try. I highly recommend using STAT Nursing Consultants.
For more information go to their website: http://www.statnursing.org/
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